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MetropoliLab Oy – Versatile laboratory services in Helsinki region

What is MetropoliLab?

MetropoliLab Oy (Business ID: 2340056-8) is the most versatile laboratory in Finland in terms of its food, water and environmental analysis services. MetropoliLab is owned by the cities of Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa and Kauniainen.

MetropoliLab Ltd is testing laboratory No. T058 accredited by FINAS Finnish Accreditation Service, accreditation requirement SFS-EN ISO/IEC 17025. Information on the activities with-in the scope of the accreditation is available at The laboratory’s analytical methods are the most widely approved by authorities in Finland (Finnish Food Authority).

MetropoliLab operations include compiling reports on the tests and analyses carried out, providing expert services, sampling and sample transportation. Analytical strengths are: foods, their microbiological and chemical quality, contaminants, composition and additives; chemical and microbiological analyses of water samples; the quality of indoor and outdoor air; microbes causing moisture damage; and contaminated soils and sediments.


What does MetropoliLab do?

We offer laboratory services to municipal and state authorities, institutions, communities, business enterprises and private persons. Important aspects of our operations include compiling reports on the tests and analyses carried out, providing expert services, sample taking and sample transportation.

Our laboratory services cover the most important analyses, in situ measurements and sample taking and/or collection tasks for food, water and environmental testing and inspections.

Our analytical strengths are: foods, their microbiological and chemical quality, contaminants, composition and additives; chemical and microbiological analyses of water samples; the quality of indoor and outdoor air; microbes causing moisture damage; and contaminated soils and sediments.

Our laboratory’s expert personnel and modern equipment guarantees short delivery times and reliability and accuracy of the test results. MetropoliLab’s Managing Director is Reetta Ahlfors.

In producing our services we comply with the General Conditions for Consulting (KSE 2013) and the General Terms of Public Procurement (JYSE 2014).



Would you like to know more?

Contact us or write a mail to

Additional information

Calling the 010 business number

Calls from a fixed network subscription: 8,28 cents/call + 5,95 cents/min

Calls from a mobile network subcription: 8,28 cnt/samtal + 17,04 cnt/min


Form of e-mail addresses:

Administration 2024

Riikka Åberg

Kirsi Hiltunen

Tarja Söderman


Pekka Meronen

Markus Kühn

Anna-Lena Granlund-Blomfelt

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